Thursday, January 27, 2011

Magazine Cover Types

Cover Types
1.Early Magazine Covers- paintings, moral, ethical, religous.

2.The Poster Cover- one big photo and no border, clear subject, one small decription, really good photo or easily reconizable. Disavantiges of poster cover- singal copies sales will be risky to a poor photo.

3.Pictures Married to Type- the words don't disturb the photo, the words and photos must go together. Disavantages of "pictures to Marr. Type- you don't know whats in there.  

4.In the Forest of Words- lots of colors, fonts, sizes, words scaterd on cover. some of the disadvantages is too much stuff on cover, photos covered.

Stuff you find on a magazine Cover 
1. Photo
2. Magazine Name
3. Price Tag
4. Bar code
5. Date

Friday, January 14, 2011

Best Covers


Favorite cover-

 The reson I like this one is how the publisher put G.W. Bush face on one side of the other president's face makes the both of them combined look like a clone. And this would be an enviromental photo because there is a feild of flowers on a clean cut green field.

Magazine Cover

Five things I should be thinking about when I make my magazine cover is "arousing curiosity", to attract the reader's attention. "Intellectually stimulating" to make benifits promising,  make the cover "efficient, fast, and easy to scan" so the reader does not get confused or lost on the cover. Another one is "Worth the investmant of money and time" so people are spending their time and money with something that holds a purpose to be read. Finally, "familiar recognition from issue to issue" so if person 1 and 2 go to the magazine table that holds the same brand, but if a false brand was in the stack, it would be hard to attract other readers or veiwers.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I have decided to go with the self portrait. When i do this i'll have to get a classmate to help me shoot the portrait. I would do the shoot in the library. To make the shot successful, i would use my time wisely and pick a position without hesitation.
This is a good example of environmental portrait because it has some enviroment elements in it such as the sky/clouds, forest in the backround and the cranberry filled lake.
I chose this self portrait because it shows a good example of someone doing it on their own.
I like this casual portrait because it is both romantic and has leading lines in it.
The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close.
Don't be shy. If you approach people in the right way, they'll usually be happy to have their picture made. It's up to you to break the ice and get them to cooperate. Joke around with them. Tell them why you want to make the picture. Practice with people you know so that you are comfortable; people can sense when you aren't.
                               -From Nationalgeograghic Photograghy Tips 

There are several ways to approach self-portraits. One way is to frame an interesting composition and then, with your compact camera mounted on a tripod or another means of support, use the self-timer (if your camera has one) to trip the shutter after you get into position in front of the lens. Just remember that a self-timer will give you a very limited amount of time to get in position (usually 10 seconds). It helps if you can get a friend to be a stand-in until you can be there, or mark your spot with tape or chalk.
             -From shutterbug
You can also capture a self-portrait by supporting your camera, then frame your picture and focus with a stand-in. Place a mirror just behind the camera, and do your final posing in the mirror. This method also requires a self-timer, or a remote triggering device if your camera has one. Once again, if you use a self-timer, you'll need to get into position before it goes off.
                                          -From shutterbug
Best Movie of 2010 is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I would grade my own faviorates.

1. Best song of 2010- The Final Countdown. 
2. Best movie- Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. 
3. Most important news story- Gulf oil spill.
4. Most important person of 2010- I would choose lady gaga.
5. Biggest sports- basketball and football.

About my holiday-
1. One thing i will remember on my x-mas is my new music player.
2. Hope it goes smooth like it did back in 2010.
3. Hoping we don't go threw a major drought because one of it's results was a nearby brushfire near are school on the way home one day! Thank god the fire dept was there before it got out of control.
I chose this as my final photo because this one looks spiritual. When i see the sun's rays point to the groud threw the clouds, it makes me think that god has called the decised that it is time to go to a better place. In the boy's perspective, he looks like he's praying.
I chose this as my 2nd favorite photo because when i first looked at this photo the first thought about it that came to me was it looks like a watercolor photo.
Why this is my 1st faviorate photo because the combanation of the glowing thunderhead and the star filled night sky remind me of the cosmos in space and this is a wonderful scene.