Monday, April 25, 2011

A. Preview

The Atomium
1. Andre Waterkeyn
2. 1958
3. Brussels, Belgim
4. Visit
5. no
6. no
7. I picked this building because the structure of it caught my attention and i picked it to learn more about this huge structure.

A. Preview

Eden Project
1. Nicholas Grimshaw
2. not known but it took 2 1/2 years to build.
3. Cormwall , UK  
4. visiting
5. no
6. the reson for the eden's creation was to inspirate and educate people on plants and their environments.
7. I picked this building because not only it's bizzare structure, it's the largest greenhouse. So sence i deeply care about plants this place seems extremely fasinating to me.

A. Preview

Cube House
1.  Piet Blom
2. 1984
3. Rotterdam
4. private
5. no
6. no
7. I picked this building because it looks cool and unusual.

Architecture Preview

The Strong
1. not known
2. 1969
3. Rochester, New York, USA
4. You can visit it
5. No
6. Yes, it is a building where "play" is studied
7. I picked this building because when i saw a photo of it's outside structure, the colors and the structure caught my attention and I had to choose it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Writing a news lead

News Lead 1

Who- Famous orphans of the cold war
What- Spies sending secret info on atomic bombs
When- 1953
Where- Soviet Union, Sing Sing  
Why- to pass info to the soviet union
How- Parents of two orphans sending secret info to the soviet union

News Lead 2

Who- CNN
What- Uniuqe Superman comic book No.1 in auction for $400,000
When- Friday Feb 27, 2009
Where- Auction place
Why- for comic book fans and collecters to have a chance to add something uniuqe to their collection.
How- An auction of $400,000 for the comic book

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random Caption Writings

At the akins barn at 12:30 after lunch, Ianloyd runs around with his goat in the pin to get his goat some exercise. Ianloyd had to exercise his goat because there is an upcomeing show he will take his goat to, so he want's his goat to look healthy and ready for the show.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Caption Writing Practice

1.The person in the photo is Cortney, she is a senior 12th grade in school, she is sitting at the stands at a game during nighttime.

2.Brandon Watsin, a sophmor basketball player, looks at the timer on the wall and notices he has only 20seconds till the game ends so he prepairs himself to make a hole in one to win the game.

3.The rules of composition I see are, depth, viewpoint, mergers.

4.In art class after B-lunch, David M. works on his art work assassiment to make it look decent so it can be hung on the wall in the classroom. He looks closely at his assassiment and spots an error in the very center and quickly corrects the error.

Rules of composition evident in the photo- lines, merger, viewpoint.

In a class were students learn about animals, their teacher who loves birds, brought in a owl named samantha. The students learned much about owls from samantha that very day.

Friday, April 8, 2011







Spring Shoot Photo Prompts



1.My reactions to the photos were amazed because the photogragher took upclose photos, refecting photos, and young animals.
2.My favorite photo is were it is horizon positioned with the sunset on top and the dried up ground on bottem, and the egg posistioned in the lower right corner.
3.a.He used a "Pentax 6711".
   b. To capture all photos of the africa wildlife before there is no more of them from people useing them.
   c. To remember the africa wildlife if they do go away.
   d.  "You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close.