Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Caption Writing Practice

1.The person in the photo is Cortney, she is a senior 12th grade in school, she is sitting at the stands at a game during nighttime.

2.Brandon Watsin, a sophmor basketball player, looks at the timer on the wall and notices he has only 20seconds till the game ends so he prepairs himself to make a hole in one to win the game.

3.The rules of composition I see are, depth, viewpoint, mergers.

4.In art class after B-lunch, David M. works on his art work assassiment to make it look decent so it can be hung on the wall in the classroom. He looks closely at his assassiment and spots an error in the very center and quickly corrects the error.

Rules of composition evident in the photo- lines, merger, viewpoint.

In a class were students learn about animals, their teacher who loves birds, brought in a owl named samantha. The students learned much about owls from samantha that very day.

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