Monday, December 6, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

I would choose the Okpo Land amusement park because after looking at the photos of it, I was stunned and the first word that came to me after I looked threw it is "mysterious".  I bet myself the park is even better if I saw the park with my own eyes.  When I take my photos, I would take photos of the coasters from different positions, and scary looking things in the park.  

Five other unusual places for photograghers to go to:
1. Stonehenge
2. Cemetaries
3. Old houses
4. Underwater
5. Hollywood

It would be fun to document the Stonehenge location because it is a interesting and mind stunning place. What interests me about stonehenge is that I wonder who and how the stones got there and what they are useing it for. The photos I would take there are photos of the entire stonehenge, the inside parts of the structure and the people standing next to the large stones. 
It would take me a plane ticket to get there. My equipment would include a suitcase with cloths in it for staying at a hotel for a couple of days, a labtop and a download device, a ditigal camera with a card to save my photos on, and money. The expences might be with hotel stays, plane ticket, food, and batteries. The laws I might run into at the stonehenge tour  could be hours the tour starts and ends, when the tructure is off or on limits and others.

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