Friday, November 19, 2010

Ethics in fashion photograghy

I saw many changes that evolved manipulation. What they did to her photo is they moved her entire head up to make it look like she has a longer neck, they made her eyes bigger/wider, and they moved her shoulders down. No I do not think it is exceptable because when veiwers look at her then her photo, the veiwers are going to think their looking at someone else. Yes, because the people who get caught manipulating photos of modeling people might get fired. I think changing the hair and makeup might be ok but if you are manipulating the hight, size, things like that, it would not be acceptable. Fashion Photograghy is where you go out and take shots of models, models at shows, their dresses, etc. Photojournalisim is where you take B/W photos, journalize, take shots of different objects, people , places, things, ect and process them or turn them to negetives or positves. The relationship of different photograghy tells you what the photogragher is interested in or trying to do. Some examples of different photograghy-shooting,people, places,role models,newspaper, articals,ect.

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