Friday, October 29, 2010

Contact sheet- is a photograghic image produced from film, sometimes from a film negative, sometimes from a film positive.
Enlarger- is a specilizes transparency projecter used to produce photographic prints from film or glass negatives using the gelitain-silver process, or transparencies.
Stop Bath-
This is a peice of equiment to process film.
 This chemical is used to process film
Materials needed for B/W Film process-
running water (water supply)
(Sink) To mix liquids
Measuring Beakers or Graduates
Accurate thermometer
Stir sticks
Water filter
Storage Bottles 
Stop Bath

Chemicals we might be useing and where to buy them-
Acid Stop
Where these chemicals can be bought from-
At DigitalTruthPhoto
How to get the B/W chemicals ready begining to end-
1. Measure a certain amount of water at a specific temperature-it's usually easier to have the water hotter than the requiered temp. and let it cool down, or even use an ice cube to lower the temp (remove the ice cube when the water reaches the right temp.
2. Measure a certain amount of concentrate (or powder) or use the full amount in the packet.
3. When the temp. of the water is exactly the specified temp, pour in the concentrate (or powder), stirring constantly.
4. When the concentrate is completely disolved, add water to make a certain amount.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How the veiwer can be lead through this photo is by the lines dividing the container spaces pointing to the people and the smaller, shorter lines of the container spaces pointing away from the people and back to the big ones. So this photo simply leads you from back to forth one at a time.   
How this photo leads the veiwer through is the white tables lead the veiwer through the photo to see all the cheezes like the judges in the photo.
Ancient Lights
The 3200-year-old Abu Simbel temple is dramatized during a daily sound and light show on the eve of the anniversary of pharaoh king Ramses II's coronation.

Read more:,29409,1968204,00.html#ixzz13a9yKsFH
The Rays of lights comeing from above the temple point downward to lead the veiwer to the 4 statues and the temple's entrince.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The most powerful image in the slideshow is the photo of  Ian leaving the airport with a big smile that singals he's happy to be back and see his family. The sequence of photos called ''coming home'' is the most powerful because they show feelings and strength.  How the images work together to tell a story is by the action the people are doing in the photo.  The way the verbs are written is in a form that tells that date and the time the photo took place then info on whats happening in the photo. The captions tells the veiwer exactly what's happening in the photo.
In Aug. 2009 at 10:30pm, Ian departs an airplane in Houston Tx that now he will journy home.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The who in this photo is all the kids locked up, and squashed in the truck. The what is the kids did not want to go to school today so their principal called these workers to lock them up in his truck and bring them to school the hard way. The where is that they are on the highway on their way to school. The when is in the morning on a monday in the year of 1986. The Why is so the students can get an education. The how is locked up in a truck, squashed, and on top of another so they are stuck in one place, and cannot get away because they are stuck in one spot.    
The who in this photo is the old man plugging in all his satilites. The what are the satilites themselfs. The where is in a wide open forest. The when is in the morning. The why is because this guy wants to watch tv everywhere in his house, even the bathroom. The how is because he is getting access by the satilite by hooking up all these dishes. 
John Arnim was twisting the stems off the watermelons and packing them up in the square boxes and getting ready to sell them yesterday afternoon. The watermelons have their square shape because they were grown in boxes to get their shape.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The overall skills Luis used was between photos he would have a short sentence talking about  things in the photos. How he did the audio is that it sounds like the type of calming music that makes you sink into it,"tear sheding" music. The meaning of the slideshow was to show us what the person was living in and going through in his life. The most powerful image is the up close photo of the soldier's face that where he has bruises and cuts all over his face,why it is powerful because it tells people what soldiers go through every day at war by risking their lives to protect are nation. The sequence of photograghs that contains the soldiers at war are the most powerful because it tells us what they are doing and how. How the audio enhanced the photograghs is like that each of the photograghs hold a story. How the images work together to tell a story is by them going in a proper order, like for ex- first it's the soldier photos then the family photos.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I found this photo interesting because, of the size of this flood. I had a hard time thinking something like this was going to happen when hermine came in. I saw the results of hermine and I was shocked by the results.
Digitally Constructed Single Image-I find this picture inspiring because, the man with wings makes me think he's coming up to grow life starting with the tree he's pulling up. For the content, the photo contains a birdman, with backround firey looking, and for the land, it looks like a desert. For the lighting, there is a ray of light coming from a crack withen the cloudy sky pointing on the upper part of the birdman, with the backround black dark and the sky red. For the composition, the lines on his wings lead to the sky and the lines of the roots go in many directions under the ground.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I feel bordom or depression when I look at this photo of Nadar. I see he is about to fall asleep or he's not in a good mood. I hear him sigh and groan at times like he wants to go back to sleep. I smell his breath when Nadar takes deep sighs out. I taste the dirty air from outside because the window was open.
I see Talbot is at peace, even sheding a smile while he is asleep. I feel he is relaxed and comfertable while asleep. I hear him snore at times and hear him move around at times. I smell the perfume he put on to smell good. I taste the dry air circleing in the room. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Action and Emotion- The reson I choze this one is because the way she makes a look on her face gives out a good emotion. To my POV, I would say she seems very confuzed or she's thinking really hard.

Filling the frame- The reson I choze this one next is because the way the camera caught the liquid dripping the way it's shown in this photo stuns me because it gives it a 3D effect on the droplets. Both the stunning scene and the boy fill up the photo well.
 The Story- I think this photo's story is about a group of students preparing for a band play or a show. How I know what makes this photo tell that story is because there are more than 10 students siting in rows of two with musical insruments pointing towards the conducter, who is in front of the students and he has his arm in the air conducting the students on what to do. So this photo does have a clear story.