Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The overall skills Luis used was between photos he would have a short sentence talking about  things in the photos. How he did the audio is that it sounds like the type of calming music that makes you sink into it,"tear sheding" music. The meaning of the slideshow was to show us what the person was living in and going through in his life. The most powerful image is the up close photo of the soldier's face that where he has bruises and cuts all over his face,why it is powerful because it tells people what soldiers go through every day at war by risking their lives to protect are nation. The sequence of photograghs that contains the soldiers at war are the most powerful because it tells us what they are doing and how. How the audio enhanced the photograghs is like that each of the photograghs hold a story. How the images work together to tell a story is by them going in a proper order, like for ex- first it's the soldier photos then the family photos.

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