Friday, October 29, 2010

Materials needed for B/W Film process-
running water (water supply)
(Sink) To mix liquids
Measuring Beakers or Graduates
Accurate thermometer
Stir sticks
Water filter
Storage Bottles 
Stop Bath

Chemicals we might be useing and where to buy them-
Acid Stop
Where these chemicals can be bought from-
At DigitalTruthPhoto
How to get the B/W chemicals ready begining to end-
1. Measure a certain amount of water at a specific temperature-it's usually easier to have the water hotter than the requiered temp. and let it cool down, or even use an ice cube to lower the temp (remove the ice cube when the water reaches the right temp.
2. Measure a certain amount of concentrate (or powder) or use the full amount in the packet.
3. When the temp. of the water is exactly the specified temp, pour in the concentrate (or powder), stirring constantly.
4. When the concentrate is completely disolved, add water to make a certain amount.


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