Monday, October 4, 2010

Action and Emotion- The reson I choze this one is because the way she makes a look on her face gives out a good emotion. To my POV, I would say she seems very confuzed or she's thinking really hard.

Filling the frame- The reson I choze this one next is because the way the camera caught the liquid dripping the way it's shown in this photo stuns me because it gives it a 3D effect on the droplets. Both the stunning scene and the boy fill up the photo well.
 The Story- I think this photo's story is about a group of students preparing for a band play or a show. How I know what makes this photo tell that story is because there are more than 10 students siting in rows of two with musical insruments pointing towards the conducter, who is in front of the students and he has his arm in the air conducting the students on what to do. So this photo does have a clear story.

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