Drying Cabinets
Tongs or spatula
Focusing Aids
Chemicals we might be using to make a print and where to buy it-
Stop Bath
Place where one could buy these- digitaltruth photo
First you put the print into the developer tray for about 1 minute. After this part you take it out with thongs and let all the excess drain off the print. Then you move it to the stop bath tray with tongs. Let is set in the stop bath tray for 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds remove the print and put in fixer for 1 to 2 minutes. Then remove from fixer and place in wash for 2 to 5 minutes. Finally, take out print and let it dry.
Emulsion-is a light sensetive colloid, such as gelatin, coated onto a subtrate.
Aperture- is a hole or an opening through which light travels.
Exposure- is the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photograghic medium during the process of taking a photogragh.
Safe Light- is a light source suitable for use in a photograghic darkroom.
Dodging- decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photogragher wishes to be lighter.
Burning- increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker.
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